Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics

Department of Business Administration

Chair of Production and Operations Management
(Lehrstuhl für Produktion und Logistik)
o. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Richard F. Hartl

 040051 KFK PM/SCM/TL: 

Seminar A (E)
4 ECTS points

"Hierarchical Production Planning"


Dates & Places

  • Tuesday 10:00-12:00 a.m. (Seminar-Room 3, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1)
  • Starting on March 11 , 2014

Study Programs

  • Mag. internationale Betriebswirtschaft (KFK Production Management,  KFK SupplyChain Management, KFK Transportation Logistics)
  • Mag. Betriebswirtschaft (KFK Production Management,  KFK Supply Chain Management, KFK Transportation Logistics)
  • partly also KFK Operations Research
  • QEM - Quantitative Economics Master

Course Content

  • This course (Seminar) will focus on "Hierarchical Production Planning". 
  • Planning problems can be classified as long tern to short trem, or strategic to operational. 
  • Hierarchical Production Planning looks at the different decisions at the various hierarchical levels and invesitgates, how the decisons of a certain level can be used and detailed in the next level
  • The course will focus on reviewing classical (historical) papers, and discuss recent research papers in this area. 


  • Regular presence and participation in discussion
  • Literature study
  • Presentation using slides (power Point or PDF)
  • Term paper (Seminararbeit)


  • This course (Seminar) is intended as the final course in a KFK. Thus, it should only be taken after some other courses in the corresponding area have been successfully completed.
  • The topic is related to "Production Management", but it is not necessary, that the corresponding KFK course has been taken before. 
  • Minimum requirement for admission is
    •  the course „Operations Management“ (very old "Studienplan") or 
    • "Transportation Logistics (TL)", "Production Analysis", or "Supply Chain Management" (current "Studienplan")

Basic Literature 

  • Basic literature:

    Hax, A.C., Meal, H.C. (1975): Hierarchical integration of production planning and scheduling. In: Geisler, M.A. (Ed.), Studies in Management Science, vol. I, Logistics, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 53–69  >> PDF

    Omar, M.K., S. C. Teo, S.C. (2007):  Hierarchical production planning and scheduling in a multi-product, batch process environment,  International Journal of Production Research,
    Vol. 45 (5, March), 1029–1047.  
    >> PDF

Schedule "Würfelteil"

  • The first part of the course is a so called "Würfelseminar", i.e. certain topics are to be prepared by all participants. Every 10 minutes, say, a different person will be asked (at random -> Würfel) to present the next pages of the underlying literature. The purpose is
        (i) to obtain some common knowledge base by all participants, and 
        (ii) to facilitate discussion.
  • Literature for the "Würfelseminar": see "basic literature" above
  • Tentative schedule: 
  • March 18 , 2014: basic literature: Hax and Meal (1975) - see basic Literature  above 
  • March 25 , 2014 basic literature: Hax and Meal (1975)  and Omar and Teo (2007)
  • April 1, 2014: basic literature: Omar and Teo (2007)
  • The"Würfelteil" is over now.

Schedule "Spezialteil"

In the second part each group of typically 2 participants will be given a special topic which has to be prepared and presented some weeks later (mainly in January). Also a term paper (Seminararbeit) must be written on this topic.

27.05.2014, 10:00-12:00 Uhr, SE 3 and 13:00-15:00 SE 5
03.06.2014, 10:00-15:00 Uhr, SE 3
17.06.2014, 10:00-13:00 Uhr, SE 3 and 13:00-15:00 SE 5

all papers can be downloaded here




1) Capacity planning / Aggregate planning:

Bintinger Carina Denise 0352975

27.05.2014, 10-12, SE 3

H. Rafiei, M. Rabbani (2012), Capacity coordination in hybrid make-to-stock/make-to-order production environments. International Journal of Production Research 50 (3): 773–789

Hirschvogl Thomas 0809476

Brunner Christian 0950040

27.05.2014, 10-12, SE 3

A. Jamalnia, A. Feili (2013), A simulation testing and analysis of aggregate production planning strategies. Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations 24 (6): 423-448

Skudrna Jaroslav 0651366

Schober Lisa 0652024

27.05.2014, 13-15, SE 5

E.-H. Aghezzaf, C. Sitompul, F. Van den Broecke (2011), A robust hierarchical production planning for a capacitated two-stage production system. Computers & Industrial Engineering 60: 361–372

Weihs Reinhold 9825451

Hartarski Dimitar 0846659

27.05.2014, 13-15, SE 5

Z. Liu , D. Chua, K.-W. Yeoh (2011), Aggregate production planning for shipbuilding with variation-inventory trade-offs. International Journal of Production Research, 49 (20): 6249-6272

Pabisch Harald 0505527

Mihaylov Anguel 0626597

03.06.14, 10-12, SE 3

T. Sillekens , A. Koberstein, L. Suhl (2011), Aggregate production planning in the automotive industry with special consideration of workforce flexibility. International Journal of Production Research, 49 (17): 5055-5078

Rottermund Katarzyna Dominika 1268846

2) Master Production Scheduling: 

Gnam Melanie 0707439

03.06.14, 10-12, SE 3

M.K. Omar, J.A. Bennell (2009), Revising the master production schedule in a HPP framework context. International Journal of Production Research, 47 (20): 5857-5878

Krautstofl Ingrid 0901548

Baumgart Jana 0906583

03.06.14, 13-15, SE 3

J. Xie, X. Zhao, T.S. Lee (2003), Freezing the master production schedule under single resource constraint and demand uncertainty. International Journal of Production Economics 83: 65–84

Schulmeister Veronika 0805031

3) Production planning and execution:

Ostapchuk Mykhailo 1263511

03.06.14, 13-15, SE 3

M. Ebadian, M. Rabbani, S.A. Torabi, F. Jolai (2009), Hierarchical production planning and scheduling in make-to-order environments: reaching short and reliable delivery dates. International Journal of Production Research 47 (20): 5761–5789

Cehic Berina 0748948

17.06.2014, 10-12, SE 3

H. Rafiei , M. Rabbani, M. Alimardani (2013), Novel bi-level hierarchical production planning in hybrid MTS/MTO production contexts. International Journal of Production Research, 51 (5): 1331-1346

Kießling Christiane 1149063

Alasgarov Altay 0752417

17.06.2014, 10-12, SE 3

S.T. Enns (2002), MRP performance effect due to forecast bias and demand uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research 138: 87-102

Schenkermayr Winfried 0807847

Ahmeti Shkodran 0851254

17.06.2014, 13-15, SE 5

S. T. Enns (2001), MRP performance effects due to lot size and planned lead time settings. International Journal of Production Research 39(3): 461-480

Cirikli Yasemin 0749614

backup topic

C.-J. Ho, T.C. Ireland (1998), Correlating MRP system nervousness with forecast errors. International Journal of Production Research 36 (8): 2285-2299

Term paper (Seminararbeit)

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