Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics

Department of Business Administration

Chair of Production and Operations Management
(Lehrstuhl für Produktion und Logistik)
o. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Richard F. Hartl

 040051 KFK PM/SCM/TL: 

Seminar A (E)
4 ECTS points

"(Team) Orienteering Problems"


Dates & Places

  • Thursday 2:00-4:00 p.m. (BWZ, Seminarraum 1)
  • Starting on March 10, 2011

Study Programs

  • Mag. internationale Betriebswirtschaft (KFK Production Management,  KFK SupplyChain Management, KFK Transportation Logistics)
  • Mag. Betriebswirtschaft (KFK Production Management,  KFK Supply Chain Management, KFK Transportation Logistics)
  • partly also KFK Operations Research
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik alter Studienplan (Bakk., Mag., KFK Produktionsmanagement)

Course Content

  • This course (Seminar) will focus on "(Team) Orienteering Problems".
  • The basic model is the travelling salesman problem (TSP, "Handlungsreisendenproblem", "Rundreiseproblem", see introductory course ABWL Produktion & Logistik, VK, and the KFK course "transportation logistics")
  • While in the basic TSP every customer must be visited, in Orienteering Problems or, more generally, in "TSPs with profit" a number of "customers must be selected for visit and at each customer location a certain benefit/profit is collected. Then, a trade-off between tour length and total collected profit must be found. Variants of the "TSPs with profit" are:
    • A) The Orienteering Problem (OP), where the total tour length is restricted and under this constraint a maximum profit must be collected. The name comes from the orienteering game "Orientierungslauf" (although strictly speaking this is more like a normal TSP).
    • B) The Price collecting TSP, where a certain minimum profit must be collected and the cost must be minimized
    • C) Profitable tour problem (PTP), where collected profit minus traveling cost is maximixed
  • If collecting the profits is distributed over several vehicles/persons with limited capacity, this is called 
    • A) Team Orienteering Problem (TOP), 
    • B) price collecting VRP, 
    • C) Capacitated Profitable tour problem (CPTP)
    • or more generally speaking, VRP with profits.
  • Various applications are possible
    • In tourism a tourist wants to find the best tradeoff between visiting a large number of sights and a limited time budget.
    • On the other hand, salespersons have to select the potential customers to be visited on the next day(s) in order to maximize the expected sales volume.
  • All these problems are np-hard and heuristic solution methods are typically applied.

  • Basic models and approaches from the literature will be discussed and some recent research articles will be presented. 


  • regular presence and participation in discussion
  • literature study
  • presentation
  • term paper (Seminararbeit)


  • This course (Seminar) is intended as the final course in a KFK. Thus, it should only be taken after some other courses in the corresponding area.
  • Minimum requirement for admission is
    •  the course „Operations Management“ (old "Studienplan") or 
    • "Transportation Logistics (TL)", "Production Analysis", or "Supply Chain Management" (new "Studienplan")

Basic Literature 

  • C. Archetti, D. Feillet, A. Hertz, M.G. Speranza (2009): The capacitated team orienteering and profitable tour problems, Journal of the Operational Research Society 60, 831 - 842.
    Only chapters 1 und 2.  >> download

  • D. Feillet, P. Dejax, M. Gendreau (2005): Traveling salesman problems with profits. Transportation Science 39: 188–205.
    Everything except for Chapters 4.2 and 5.  >> download

Schedule "Würfelteil"

  • The first part of the course is a so called "Würfelseminar", i.e. certain topics are to be prepared by all participants. Every 10 minutes, say, a different person will be asked (at random -> Würfel) to present the next pages of the underlying literature. The purpose is
        (i) to obtain some common knowledge base by all participants, and 
        (ii) to facilitate discussion.
  • Literature for the "Würfelseminar": see "basic literature" above
  • Schedule: 
    March 10: Introduction
    March 17:  no course unit, time for preparation
    March 24: "Würfelteil",  basic literature above to be prepared
    March 31:  continuation of "Würfelteil",  basic literature above to be prepared
    April 7:  continuation of "Würfelteil",  basic literature above to be prepared
  • April 14 to May 19: break and easter holidays
  • May 26: Presentation by students
  • June 6: Presentation by students
  • June 9: Presentation by students
  • Note that after June 9 there is no possibility to give a presentation

Schedule "Spezialteil"

In the second part each group of 2 participants will be given a special topic which has to be prepared and presented some weeks later. Also a term paper must be written on this topic.

Topic & first paper



1. M. Schilde, K.F. Doerner, R.F. Hartl, G. Kiechle: Metaheuristics for the bi-objective orienteering problem,
Swarm Intell (2009) 3: 179 - 201 
>> paper

Free topic


2. F. Tricoire, M. Romauch, K.F. Doerner, R.F. Hartl: Heuristics for the multi period orienteering problem with multiple time windows
Computers & Operations Research 37 (2010) 351 - 367
>> paper

Damar, Ahmet Turan, 0004287

Wahl, Alexander, 0802922


 June 9

3. P. Vansteenwegen, W. Souffriau, G. VandenBerghe, D. Van Oudheusden: Iterated local search for the team orienteering problem with time windows
Computers & Operations Research 36 (2009) 3281 - 3290
>> paper

Bakioglu, Fulya, 0808377



May 26

4. G. Righini, M. Salani: Dynamic programming for the orienteering problem with time windows
Technical Report 91, Dipartimento di Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Universita degli Studi Milano, Crema, Italy, 2006.
>> paper

Huber, Carina, 0600607

Wallisch, Alexander, 0651167


 June 9

5. C. Archetti, A. Hertz, M.G. Speranza: Metaheuristics for the team orienteering problem,
J Heuristics (2007) 13:49–76
>> paper

Sun, Jing, 0200501

 June 6
14:00 - 16:00

Term paper (Seminararbeit)

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